Maa Narmada Mahavidyalaya Dhamnod (Dhar), MP, India in collaboration with World Research Forum for Engineers and Researchers-WRFER organized an International Conference on Recent Advances In Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (ICRASETM-2023) on 15th March 2023.

IRAJ-Institute of Research and Journals organized an International conference ICRASETM-2023
The ICRASETM-2023 was Supported by IRAJ-Institute of Research and Journals.
Dr. A. Asthana Madam, Principal, Maa Narmada Mahavidyalaya delivered the welcome speech. Dr.Manoj Nahar, Director Maa Narmada Mahavidyalaya joined the conference as the chief guest.
During the Conference four eminent speakers delivered their keynote speeches. The first keynote speech was by Prof. T. Kandil, Professor, Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus, UAE. He delivered a keynote speech and discussed the Lesson from the latest banking collapse in the USA.
The Second Keynote speech was by Prof Dr. D.Padmavathi, Professor Muthurangam Government Arts College(A), Vellore, India. She discussed and emphasized the latest experimental studies and analytical studies in the field of Engineering and Technology.
The third keynote speech was delivered by Prof Dr. Rudrarup Gupta, BCCI Guest Faculty, JIS University. During his speech, he highlighted the importance of education for society in the 21st century. He said education is the only way that leads to innovation and research.
Dr. Promod Pandit, Principal, Govt College Barwani joined the conference as a special guest and speaker. His topic was Role of Chemicals (Harmones) in Human Behaviour’ (Mental n Emotional Health w.r.t. Teacher and Taught Relationship.
More than 50 students and research scholars participated in the conference and more than 15 research papers get published and presented.