
Are You Organizing a Conference? These 3 Things You Must Do

Organizing a Conference is a big task and making it successful requires lots of skill and in-depth knowledge. This article will guide and help to both new and experienced conference organizers, institution or the conference organizing team members.

Before the Conference

1. Organizing team members: Organizing one conference is not a one man show It must have a group of people to handle different operations at same time. So before anything the team must be formed and there must be an organizing head and Asst. organizing head for the conference to take the decisions.

2. Finalise the Date and venue: While planning the conference the organizing team must finalize the date of the conference and other related dates like, last date of registration, date for any bookings and confirmation of logistics and other deadlines. The team must decide one venue for the conference before making it public.

3. Making one Website and open one official mail ID: The conference must have some posters and brochures to communicate to people . So the conference must have a dedicated website and some banners and posters. One official mail id must be created to communicate.

4. Promotion: Promoting the conference is a difficult part but with the help of www.conferencealets.in you can promote your conference very easily which is the best conference alerts portal where all upcoming conferences has been listed.

During the Conference

Arrangement Conference Materials
Arrangement Conference Materials

1. Prepare for the conference: After planning and registrations now the date of the conference has come to place and on the day of the conference the organizing team must ensure the presentation stage. Make ensure all things are going as per the schedule. Make sure all guest has arrived on time and the any special guest or guest of honor must receive proper hospitality by the volunteers. If possible make arranging of some snacks for the guest.

2. Registration table: Registration table and information desk is the most important place during the conference where the proper information must available about the attendance and KIT distribution. Some volunteers must present during the conference over the registration table. Some participants may be very new to the venue so they ask some information about the lunch, washroom, time of presentation,

3. Arrangement of Conference materials: Conference materials like Proceedings, folders, Pens, Notepads, Schedule, Guest agenda, Topic of presentations, Memento, Flowers, Lights, Mikes, and Stage etc must be prepared and properly maintain during the conference.

After the Conference

1. Notify the absentees: There may some people who can’t attend the conference due to various reason so the organizing team must follow those and send their conference documents.

2. After conference report: The photos must be uploaded and shared to the reporters for the news.

3. Process for the publication: After conference the organizer must send one thank you letter to everyone who have participated and the publication must be taken care off.

4. Finances and bills: The monetary part must be taken care after the conference. Any pending dues must be clear to all venders, Logistics people, Honorarium etc.

So by following these steps you can manage a conference very effectively.